Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Warm Up 2/26

11.     A blood clot contains a network of protein.  What is the protein?
·      Fibrin
22.     Outline how the liquid that flows through the proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) is produced.
·      Selective reabsorption
·      Substances are absorbed through microvilli cell lining that increases the surface area of the PCT
·      One substances are actively reabsorbed, they are passively diffused into the bloodstream
·      Mineral ions and vitamins are actively transported via protein pumps or carrier proteins
·      Glucose actively transported across the membrane in symport with sodium
·      Water follows the movement of the ions passively (osmosis)
33.     State the name of the substances reabsorbed by the PCT.
·      Glucose, amino acids, vitamins, hormones, mineral ions, water
44.     Discuss the benefits and dangers of immunization against bacterial and viral infections.
§  Vaccination results in active immunity
§  It can limit the spread of infectious diseases (pandemics / epidemics)
§  Diseases may be eradicated entirely (e.g. smallpox)
§  Vaccination programs may reduce the mortality rate of a disease as well as protect vulnerable groups (e.g. youth, elderly)
§  Vaccinations will decrease the crippling effects of certain diseases (e.g. polio) 
§  It will decrease health care costs associated with treating disease conditions

§  Vaccinated individuals may produce (mild) symptoms of the disease
§  There may be human error in the preparation, storage or administration of the vaccine
§  Individuals may react badly to vaccines (e.g. hypersensitive / allergic reactions)
§  Immunity may not be life long - booster shots may be required
§  There may be possible toxic effects of mercury-based preservatives used in vaccines

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